What is All On Four Implant?

All On Four implant is a procedure that allows the denture to be fixed on the same day on four implants placed at certain angles in completely edentulous patients.

All on four implant prosthesis

This technique is applied to patients who have lost all their teeth or need to have them extracted and have no bone in the posterior regions of the jaws. It is very important for patients to have fixed teeth on the same day. In addition, the patient must not have any disease that will prevent dental implant surgery and must have sufficient bone volume. If the patient does not have sufficient bone structure, sinus lifting operation or graft addition procedures are performed in our clinic.

What are the stages of All On Four treatment?

Patients who are planned to undergo All On Four treatment must first undergo a detailed clinical and radiological examination in our clinic. Measurements are made on computed tomography (CT) and a suitable planning is made for the patient.
The All On Four procedure consists of two stages: surgical and prosthetic procedures. On the day of treatment, 4 dental implants are placed in the patient in accordance with the planning, and on the same day, the temporary dental prosthesis is fixed on the implants. After 3 months, the patient receives permanent dentures.

Will I have pain after the all on four procedure?

As with other implant operations, some pain and swelling may occur after the procedure. However, these complaints can be easily controlled with the medications you will use in accordance with the advice of our experienced doctors.

How will my diet be after the All On Four procedure?

After the operation, you can use your temporary denture fixed on the dental implants immediately. However, during the 2.5 – 3 month period, which is the process of fusion of dental implants and bone, you need to eat a diet that your doctor will recommend to you. After this fusion process is completed, you will be able to eat as you wish with your permanent prosthesis.

Advantages of all on four treatment:

  • Thanks to the angled implants placed in the back of the jawbone, anatomical formations are not damaged
  • Angled posterior implants are used longer and placed in a better quality bone
  • No need forbone grafting
  • Allows for more easily cleanable prostheses
  • The cost is lower due to the use of fewer implants.
  • Further bone loss is prevented
  • Speech and chewing functions are improved
  • Results in faster healing, less pain and less discomfort
  • Since implant and prosthesis procedures are performed on the same day, the patient does not have much trouble.
  • It is a treatment with a high success rate.
  • The operation is easier and the duration of dental implant surgery is shorter since no advanced surgical procedures such as sinus elevation surgery, bone powder addition are applied.
  • It is suitable for patients who cannot use removable dentures and have nausea reflex.

Is All On 4 Implant Procedure a Painful Procedure?

There is no feeling of pain in All on 4 implant treatment. In addition to being performed with local anesthesia; If our patients have a reason such as anxiety or fear, it can also be performed with general anesthesia if they request it. However, it is normal to feel a little pain after the anesthesia effect wears off. For such cases, our physicians give our patients a painkiller. If the medication is consumed in the specified periods, no problems are encountered.

How Should Nutrition Be After All On 4 Implant Procedure?

Diet after All on 4 implant treatment; It should be as recommended by our physicians. During the 3-month period when the temporary prosthesis is attached and the dental implant and bone are expected to fuse, our physicians give our patients a diet program and this program must be followed. Very hard foods should not be consumed during this period.

At the end of the 3/4-month period, our patients are fitted with permanent dentures. Afterwards, no diet is given for their diet. They are free to consume the food they want. However, it is recommended to be careful with the foods they consume in order to use their implants for a longer period of time.

Things to know after the All on 4 implant procedure:

  • No food should be consumed within 2 hours after the operation. Extremely hot or cold foods should not be consumed in the first 24 hours.
  • After the procedure, pressure should be applied to the implant area with a tampon to allow clotting and stop bleeding. A soft and sterile tampon should be chosen. Your doctor will show you detailed information about this and how to apply it.
  • It is possible to see blood in the saliva for 24 hours after the operation. However, care should be taken not to spit or rinse the mouth during this period.
  • On the evening of the day of the operation, teeth should not be brushed and mouthwash should not be applied.
  • After 36 hours after the operation, mouthwash can be done twice a day. No food should be consumed for about 40 minutes after gargling.
  • There should be no smoking or alcohol consumption within 24 hours after the procedure. It is also strongly recommended not to smoke at all until the treatment and healing process is completely over.
  • In case our physicians recommend painkillers or antibiotics; medication should be used when the relevant symptoms occur.
  • If bleeding occurs in the implant area in the days following the procedure; it is sufficient to apply pressure on the relevant area with a sterile tampon.
  • Swelling in the relevant area a few days after the procedure should be considered normal. However, it is recommended to apply ice to the implant area so that these swellings are not evident.
  • In seamless implant treatment, there is no need to visit our physicians to remove the stitches afterwards. However, in case of stitches that do not dissolve spontaneously; stitches should be removed after 5 or 7 days.
  • In case of any problem with the implant, our physicians should be contacted without delay.